Thursday, September 12, 2024

Guidelines to Safely Conduct P2P Transactions via Binance or OKX.

1. Never conduct any financial transaction in a rush or stressed.

2. Have personal emergency funds in at least 2-3 different bank accounts.

3. Never use bank accounts with largest funds for p2p transactions.

4. Open a few bank accounts in Different bank - 4 - 7.

5. Rotate your p2p activity between other banks (with low/no savings).

6. Use p2p seller/buyers with best ratings.

7. Always mention the Binance or OKX provided transaction reference number in wire. Nothing Else.

8. Always give detailed reviews to good and bad p2p sellers or buyers.

9. Never leave more than 0.1 or 0.2 Bitcoin on exchanges, move it to self custody.

Please support this blog by signing up to OKX or Binance via links below:

Click Here to Sign up to OKX - World's Third Largest Spot Bitcoin Exchange

Click Here to Sign up to Binance -
World's Largest Spot Bitcoin Exchange

Click Here to Sign up to Mt. Pelerin - Swiss based Self Custodial OTC Exchange

Friday, September 6, 2024

Baseline Steps To Better Health

 Easiest base line steps that can be taken are below, this applies to most people. Go to a Doctor after trying below for 10 days will give you a clear idea. We need to take care of our bodies first, only then medication does a better job.

1. Quit refined sugars.

2. Reduce fast carbs (bread, pasta etc) by 90%.

3. Increase protein to 90%.

4. Ratio should be 90% proteins, 10% slow carbs (colorful vegetables)

5. Sleep during peak darkness, 9pm until Sunrise 🌅 . Reset daily body clock by getting natural Sunlight when you wake up.

6. Make sure you don't sleep with your mouth open, have Upper airway restrictions or worse sleep apnea.

7. Do 90% resistance (pushups, squats, weights) training and 10% cardio (rowing) 4 times per week.

8. Check your Vitamin D levels. Affects hundreds of functions. Default: Take 10k to 20k UI daily. Can't overdose, it gets flushed out.

10. Check your Zinc levels. Affects forty different functions.

11. Walk daily in Sunlight, minimum of 5-10 minutes. Anytime of the day.

12. Get your Gut Bacteria checked -- Critical -- Eat Fermented foods daily (Kim chi, Sauerkraut) to feed gut bacteria.

Resources to follow on Socials:
1. Dr. Mark Hyman on All Socials.
2. Dr. James DiNocolantonio on InstaGram.
3. Dr Steven Park for Sleep on YouTube.
4. Dr. Berg on YouTube
5. Mind pump show on YouTube
6. Wondwelness
on InstaGram.
7. mauimeatandfitness1961
on InstaGram.

If you're male and have belly fat, all risk factors go up exponentially, worse for skinny fat males. For females if you have fat around thighs, all risk factors rise steeply.

To buy Quality Vitamins at affordable prices, please open an account at iHerb using my referral link to support my work.

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