Monday, February 10, 2025

Why Do We Need to Invest to Grow our Earned Income?

 If you're reading this, appreciate your thought process for the fact that you're making a sincere effort to understand the "Why" of Investing. Most people blindly follow. Question all solutions, verify all data.

The following YouTube videos will help you quickly catch up.

1. How the Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio.

2. Milton Friedman - Understanding Inflation

3. Who Benefits from Inflation? | Thomas J. DiLorenzo

4. Broken Money: Book by Lyn Alden

5. Why the Federal Reserve Controls So Much of the Economy | WSJ

6. Playing with Fire: Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve

7. Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order by Ray Dalio

8. Austrian Economics vs. Keynesian and Monetarist Macroeconomics | Jonathan Newman

If you find this article useful, please support my work by using the referral links on this blog.

Open An IBKR Brokerage Account with my referral link

Open an OKX Account to Buy Bitcoin with my referral link

Sign up to SMARTDNSPROXY VPN with my referral link

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Bitcoin Hardware Wallet Recommedations

Hardware Wallet Quick Selection Criteria
1. Product duration in the market.
2. Firmware tested by code auditors.
3. Secure element tested by hardware crackers.
4. Size of user base.
5. Reputation of manufacturer.
6. Transparency of manufacturer.

If you're based in UAE there is limited availability for the entire spectrum of quality Bitcoin hardware wallets.

To make a long story short, I can recommend the following reputable Bitcoin Hardware Wallets based on long term security and product quality. For the UAE audience if a brand in not listed in this post, its not recommended, unless you order directly the ColdCard or Foundation Passport online stores.

Ledger Nano X Crypto Hardware Wallet (Onyx Black) - Bluetooth
If you want a budget friendly and basic Bitcoin hardware choose the Ledger Nano X, the Bluetooth and wired feature offers flexible connectivity options. 

Ledger Flex - Experience a secure E Ink touchscreen crypto wallet (Graphite)
If you prefer to have a screen so you may "see what you sign" on your hardware wallet.

If you found this information useful please use my Amazon Affiliate Links

Ledger Nano X Crypto Hardware Wallet (Onyx Black) - Bluetooth

Ledger Nano X Case - Elevate Your Nano X Protection with Style

Ledger Flex - Experience a secure E Ink touchscreen crypto wallet (Graphite)

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Guidelines to Safely Conduct P2P Transactions via Binance or OKX.

1. Never conduct any financial transaction in a rush or stressed.

2. Have personal emergency funds in at least 2-3 different bank accounts.

3. Never use bank accounts with largest funds for p2p transactions.

4. Open a few bank accounts in Different bank - 4 - 7.

5. Rotate your p2p activity between other banks (with low/no savings).

6. Use p2p seller/buyers with best ratings.

7. Always mention the Binance or OKX provided transaction reference number in wire. Nothing Else.

8. Always give detailed reviews to good and bad p2p sellers or buyers.

9. Never leave more than 0.1 or 0.2 Bitcoin on exchanges, move it to self custody.

Please support this blog by signing up to OKX or Binance via links below:

Click Here to Sign up to OKX - World's Third Largest Spot Bitcoin Exchange

Click Here to Sign up to Binance -
World's Largest Spot Bitcoin Exchange

Click Here to Sign up to Mt. Pelerin - Swiss based Self Custodial OTC Exchange

Friday, September 6, 2024

Baseline Steps To Better Health

 Easiest base line steps that can be taken are below, this applies to most people. Go to a Doctor after trying below for 10 days will give you a clear idea. We need to take care of our bodies first, only then medication does a better job.

1. Quit refined sugars.

2. Reduce fast carbs (bread, pasta etc) by 90%.

3. Increase protein to 90%.

4. Ratio should be 90% proteins, 10% slow carbs (colorful vegetables)

5. Sleep during peak darkness, 9pm until Sunrise 🌅 . Reset daily body clock by getting natural Sunlight when you wake up.

6. Make sure you don't sleep with your mouth open, have Upper airway restrictions or worse sleep apnea.

7. Do 90% resistance (pushups, squats, weights) training and 10% cardio (rowing) 4 times per week.

8. Check your Vitamin D levels. Affects hundreds of functions. Default: Take 10k to 20k UI daily. Can't overdose, it gets flushed out.

10. Check your Zinc levels. Affects forty different functions.

11. Walk daily in Sunlight, minimum of 5-10 minutes. Anytime of the day.

12. Get your Gut Bacteria checked -- Critical -- Eat Fermented foods daily (Kim chi, Sauerkraut) to feed gut bacteria.

Resources to follow on Socials:
1. Dr. Mark Hyman on All Socials.
2. Dr. James DiNocolantonio on InstaGram.
3. Dr Steven Park for Sleep on YouTube.
4. Dr. Berg on YouTube
5. Mind pump show on YouTube
6. Wondwelness
on InstaGram.
7. mauimeatandfitness1961
on InstaGram.

If you're male and have belly fat, all risk factors go up exponentially, worse for skinny fat males. For females if you have fat around thighs, all risk factors rise steeply.

To buy Quality Vitamins at affordable prices, please open an account at iHerb using my referral link to support my work.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Low Cost Investing Globally from Pakistan or Anywhere

Scope of this post is about retirement horizon investing, not short term trading.
This post might be edited further as required.

Why To invest Globally?
We invest globally because we don’t trust one currency, country or any single economy, therefore we buy a single globally diversified ETF (fund) or sector based ETFs, if you have Shariah or ethical concerns. More on this later.

Minimizing costs - Fees matter!
We can’t grow wealth which we never get, hence lowering costs is critical, we try to minimize fees end-to-end:
1.       FX Spread cost
2.       SWIFT Wire
3.       Brokerage Fees
4.       ETF Fees

When to Invest? - Time "IN" the market Vs "Timing" the market!
When our exit horizon is retirement (20, 30+ years) we don’t try to time the market, we invest monthly, quarterly or yearly to stay the course and not try to trade or time the time by buying and selling.

Exit at retirement?
Since the average retirement can last 10-20 years without income, when we are 5 years away from retirement, we will start protecting our portfolio gains by allocating more towards a Gold or Bond ETF. This is a personal decision and based on your portfolio size and risk appetite.
At the time of retirement, we can start selling our portfolio at the rate of 2-3% per year to cover our cost of living.

What about Tax?
All non-US Tax residents will pay 30% tax on US derived income via dividends, if they hold US domiciled securities/ETFs. The solution to this is holding Irish domiciled ETF. Since US and Ireland have a double taxation treaty, hence taxes on dividends is reduced to 15%. There is no capital gains tax on non-US investors.
I'm not a tax advisor, please check with your personal tax accountant. With regards to Pakistan, I do know the USA and Pakistan have a tax treaty between them.

How to Start?
I'm suggesting the same brokerage my friends and I use, Toledo Trade. They don’t enforce any minimum amounts to start, my friends even started with 500 USD, however 5k USD is suggested for efficiency.

Make sure to open a joint account from the start, if you're married. Or even if you're single with your brother, father or mother for survivorship purposes. Account ownership reverts to either owner, in case of death. The U.S. Government follows your will or account ownership status, not Islamic Shariah law.

How to Legally Wire EUR or USD Outside Pakistan?
To fund your US brokerage account, you can’t use a credit card for now. Traditionally a money exchange gives the best FX rates compared to any bank. Unless you have a premium banking relationship.
If there are KYC issues with money exchanges in Pakistan. A workaround is to open a USD or EUR account and have PKR converted and sent to your own EUR or USD account, then directly wire the US broker's custodial account.

Shariah, Ethical concerns?
Since most people have Shariah or ethical concerns, they have some options to avoid companies that cause harm. Solutions here include:
1.       Investing in officially certified World and Emerging Markets Shariah designated ETFs
2.       Going with Technology and Healthcare ETFs.
3.       Going with ESG (Environmental Social Governance) ETFs

Nothing is perfect, some compromises are required. Details below.

These are the options I found with different levels of Shariah Investing.

Percentage fee is listed per year on Net Assets. Can be bought in EUR or USD.

Choose Either World Islamic or EM or Both. Can be bought in EUR or USD.

iShares MSCI World Islamic UCITS ETF - 0.60%
The Fund seeks to track the performance of an index composed of companies from developed countries and

iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Islamic UCITS ETF - 0.85%
The Fund seeks to track the performance of an index composed of companies from emerging markets countries and which comply with Shariah investment principles.

OR Choose either World Health Care or Technology or both below

WHEA - SPDR MSCI World Health Care UCITS ETF | 0.30%
The investment objective of the Fund is to track the performance of companies in the Health Care sector, across developed markets globally.

WTEC - SPDR MSCI World Technology UCITS ETF USD Acc | 0.30%
The investment objective of the Fund is to track the performance of companies in the Technology sector, across developed markets globally.


iShares MSCI World ESG Screened UCITS ETF
The fund seeks to track the performance of an index composed of developed market companies screened for exposure to thermal coal, controversial weapons, tobacco, and other controversial industries.

The fund seeks to track the performance of an index composed of emerging markets companies screened for exposure to thermal coal, controversial weapons, tobacco, and other controversial industries.

Muzammil Shaikh
Personal Finance Literacy Advocate


Saturday, September 23, 2023

Follow Wealthy & Healthy on Socials

Wealthy & Healthy Telegram Channel

A channel dedicated to Health news, motivations and Business.

₿itcoin Pristine Telegram Channel

A channel dedicated to Bitcoin (only) news.

Wealthy & Healthy on Discord

Discord channel aggregates Bitcoin and Health related news.

Wealthy & Healthy Group on Facebook

A broadcast only dedicated to Health news, motivations, Bitcoin and Business. 

Why Do We Need to Invest to Grow our Earned Income?

 If you're reading this, appreciate your thought process for the fact that you're making a sincere effort to understand the "W...